Sunday, April 17, 2011

Carob Cookies...

I spent the weekend working on a cooking assignment. Recipe modification. Chocolate chip cookies, cake flour instead of all purpose flour and carob chips instead of chocolate chip, and egg replacer instead of real egg. It was a lot of hard work, so props to chefs who can do this so easily and on a whim.
This evening I spent time to do a little research on Airport parking. Reserved my "spot" at the parking spot and I am all set (minus a mountain of laundry) to go home friday.
I miss my parent so much, its been four+ months since I have seen my dad and 3 since I have seen my mom. i am happy to have this airplane ticket, spot reservation, and Easter at home to look forward to this week.
This week I will be praying more giving thanks to God for all the amazing meals he has given me and helped me stay alive. Also challenge for me is to find time to go to the library or sit at the table and actually study Chemistry so I can Ace my last exam and hopefully ACE my final exam. With my awful exam grade, I had a dream she was wrong and corrected my wrongly marked answers giving me an A. I can dream, I can dream.
Church was a great message today. Makes me want to make that dedication to be a Mature Christian.
How was everyone else's weekend? I feel like I speak to nobody but myself since I do not get any responses. Oh well at least I am fully aware of how my good weekend went.

Praise God in the good and bad things in life. They are there for a reason and you should glorify God for his amazing capabilities!

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