Tuesday, March 29, 2011

rules of dating??

I thought when you enjoy yourself on a date, and express to the other party (numerous time) what a good time you had and thank yous....you would follow that up with communication? and conversation?
am I wrong here?

Is there a certain amount of days you fall of the face of the earth?
I need to get out of the house. Geez

my weakness

after a good hour at the gym, 50+minutes on the treadmill....
I am enjoying a small portion of my weakness...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Entering the dating scene

I have officially entered the dating scene.

I have to also claim I have never been in it before. At almost 25 years old, I am pretty proud of that claim.
After two dates, well one casual meeting and one fun date I did not expect it like this.
I felt really awkward having him pay for the dinners and bowling. I couldn't have said thank you enough.

_ Whats your thoughts on the payment situation? _

I also have run out of ideas for dates. I want to enjoy myself but also get to know him. Completely taking out the idea of seeing a movie. Who wants to sit next to someone you want to get to know, and not speak to them for like 2 hours?! I know I don't. SO next question:

_ What would you do for a fun date?? _

I will accept all and any input, Stories are encouraged, tips and pointers, etc!

Hook a sister up!

Any fun meme's out there?!

I am in the search for a new project, a really fun meme to go along with my Monday Mingle.
Any suggestions or good ideas?

Monday Mingle HERE IT IS

Follow eighty Mph mom's blog! Its a fantastic blog! Go ahead do"> Monday Mingle!


Mondays you are cruel...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

GLEE - Regionals "Get It Right" Full Performance

laundry sunday!

An Update.
Well I really enjoyed Monday Mingle last week and will be doing this weeks monday mingle. However I would do it right now but I am at the laundry mat doing my laundry and it is pretty loud. and there are about six kids running around.
I have been able to catch up on my sleep this weekend. I've also been out on two dates. More to come on details of that. Needless to say I enjoy his company and he makes me laugh. So Yes, get excited for those details.
I have a bunch of homework to do today and I am praying I am able to do so and attend church tonight.
I have 4 weeks until I go home! YAY. I am very much looking forward to my trip home to see my sis.daught & mom and hopefully my dad will not be working. I miss my mom and dad a lot. Bailey will have to stay here, too expensive for him to fly with me for like a day and a half. Anyways with all that said: I am so happy I see home in my near future!

Today I will be emailing my TA for chem. To see what her tutoring rates are. With the help of my mom, we will be shoveling out the $$ for a private tutor so I can pass this chem and hold hope for the future chem classes. Fingers cross and pray for me. NOT to mention I have dates this week with the student tutoring center.

Today the weather is gloomy which has set the mood for me today. Its a non stop mist. I am thankful because we need it, I'm tired of smelling grass fires on my walk to school. I would love a good thunder storm though. Heres to hoping the weather man is right for tuesday. Double bonus it is my day off from school. I would be able to enjoy it.
Next week is a busy week at work for me. I am not going to lie when I say I am very excited! I love my job. Incase you don't know what I do. I work on campus in the media communications office making YouTube videos for the Texas Womans University webpage. Just, you know a hobby of mine and I happen to get paid for it. Not a lot but enough for a hair cut once I get paid! Anyways next week the performaning arts school is putting on this arts walk and my boss, another student editor and i get to record it and I will be putting the video together. its a big project for us.
Well as much as I want to just stay on here and blog with you wonderful followers of mine. I need to get started on two extra credit papers (one on legally blonde another on Merriels wedding) and two reading journals. :) yes I get to watch movies and write a page paper for extra credit how awesome!
A Monday Mingle will be here soon!! Enjoy your sunday hope the weather is better for you than it is me and have a fantastic Monday.

Here is your philosophy for the day:

"Fries are fries" - Crue Baker.

Monday, March 21, 2011

New PKU blog

I am considering a PKU vlog/blog.
I need a clever witty name for it....

Monday Mingle Vlog!

I decided to post a vlog. I have discovered there are many things available like outlines to help bloggers and vloggers alike post material. So I wanted to participate in this and I wasn't anticipating this to be long but wow! I can talk!

Please excuse the mess I am. Very tired from this weekend. I may do a PKU vlog eventually. Definitely finding the ease of posting to youtube from my imovie program I might consider doing vlogs more.

Follow eighty Mph mom's blog! Its a fantastic blog! Go ahead do"> Monday Mingle!

I hope I linked up right!! Go Monday Mingle! Its great and fun!! Can't wait for next weeks awesome questions! Any more vlog question forums you know of? let me know!!

And enjoy my vlog!! Hopefully the first of many!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Had an awesome senior HS portrait session with a friend. I absolutely love her and the results.

=Check it out!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rock The Red Pump!

The Red Pump Project

Spring is here

I am praying that we have seen the last of winter here in North Texas. And that spring break officially starts  this Friday after food lab is just another reason I can believe the weather will be beautiful for a little bit. I can not wait to put on my shorts and get my legs and skin some color! And possibly be blonde again.

Anyone know how to upload photos from an iphone onto blogger?? I want to be able to make this blogger an ease of access so I post more often rather than sitting at my oh so beautiful imac and blog when I am procrastinating from school work.

I have been extremely tired this week. taking naps...WTF?!? I rarely RARELY take naps but this week i feel its become a kinda ongoing theme, aside from headaches. I am afraid I was just drained of all energy last Friday when I visited and took a wonderful tour thanks to two sisters of mine of Fry St. and what 25 cent well can do to an empty stomach :( no bueno.

Since next week is spring break is here sad to say but my spring break is dedicated to Pioneer Pace 5k training, and school. Yes you read right, school. I have a week and some change to study for Exam #2 in Organic Chemistry, writing reading journals, start research on a term paper, watch extra credit movies for Womans studies, Catch up and study Food Prep & lab, and do some massive damage to my Nutrition book and create many vocab cards...Needless to say, my spring break is a beautiful relationship for school and I. I HAVE to ace all my next tests and finals in order to pull this semester off. HAVE TOO. no if, ands, or buts. I must say hello ADHD meds we meet again. I  hope I can shake all this tiredness off this weekend.

This weekend I am happy to say I am getting back into my favorite hobby of all times, photography. I am shooting a session for senior portraits all over town for a friend of mine. I can not believe she is graduating high school!! I love her. We have plans to check out all of what Dallas has to offer. I am quite excited.

All in all I have to say Denton is beginning to be nice to me. However only downside is, I feel like my neighbors live with me...I hear them so well through these thin walls. Girl behind me hasn';t had her man over in a while, but has taken up guitar and singing. Upstairs I haven't seen her but her addiction with online shopping only continues though she is never home to accept any of the packages and my next door neighbor, seems to be cleaning her place out, but her apartment has been turned inside out, and by that I mean all her stuff is outside...For now, I would like to bid you all a great night.

For now, Spring wishes and girl scout cookie dreams.
<3 out.

*EDIT* forgot to mention I started chatting with my neighbor in Woman studies turns out, she is also 25 (im almost) and is divorced and we are both getting our lives together and enjoying our single status! crazy. Reminds me I am not the only one in my shoes and it comes in a common size, like my real feet.

Monday, March 7, 2011

quick update

It is the middle of the semester I believe.
I am really focusing on getting better grades now that I have fully adjusted.
I quit working at the restaurant for the ridiculous hours they had me working. I however!
at the time of considering quitting, I received a phone call from the first job interview for the campus job.
They hired me, i work 9 hrs a week editing videos!

I have two midterms today and I am scared lol.  I know I haven't studied as much as I should have. But I'm just gonna kick ass on the next two tests and my big term paper in Woman Studies.
I have my act together finally.
I am registering for a 5k put on by the SDA (student dietetic association), I am a member of, I am training kinfa for it 4 weeks to go!
It looks luke because gas is almost at $3.50 a gallon, I will not be going home to Corpus for spring break so it will be me and school and training for my 5k all during spring break.
That is a short update.
:Lauren I need to call you during spring break! I'm sorry!
Have a good Monday everyone.